February 2018 NEWS

As World Eyes Cape Town Water Crisis, Texas Study Explores New Options

It's a resource so precious that human life can't be sustained without it, yet so common most of us take it for granted. But water is becoming scarce, a growing problem stemming from wasteful usage and exacerbated by climate change. Cape Town, South Africa, is bracing for Day Zero, when its... Read More >

Op/Ed: Texas needs a new approach to water management before it's too late

Texas summer days are filled with the gasps and laughter of children as they cannonball into cold, refreshing spring-fed swimming holes like Jacob's Well, San Solomon Springs or Barton Springs.The future of these Texas icons is in jeopardy as population growth and climate change stretch thin our... Read More >

Houston Workshop Discusses Making Buyouts An Increased Aspect Of Flood Mitigation

Among the many strategies for mitigating future flooding in Greater Houston is buying out flood-prone homes. But one organization wants buyouts to be an even greater part of post-Harvey recovery. The Greater Houston Flood Mitigation Consortium is holding a panel discussion on... Read More >

Op/Ed: Houston-specific flood alerts give residents time to save lives, property

During Harvey, thousands of Houstonians were faced with water rising in their houses, scrambling to save possessions, wading out through streets already deep in water, sometimes stranded, and, ultimately, waiting for rescue. Warning is not enough to save a house. But, it can be enough to save a... Read More >

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