June 2017 NEWS

CGMF Grant to Initiate The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority/The Aransas Project Agreement

AUSTIN — The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) and The Aransas Project (TAP) undertook the first step in the implementation of The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority/The Aransas Project Agreement (GBRA/TAP Agreement), announcing the receipt of a grant from the Cynthia and George Mitchell... Read More >

Elite shale task force says there's uncertainty about industry's impact on Texas's people, environment

Texas' role as a petroleum powerhouse started with the famed Spindletop oil gusher near Beaumont in 1901. But 116 years later, there's still uncertainty about the industry's impact on the state's people and environment, according to a new study released today. A task force set up by the... Read More >

TAMEST study of shale oil and gas drilling

Oil and gas drilling in Texas shale plays pollutes the air, erodes soil and contaminates water, while the disposal of millions of gallons of wastewater causes earthquakes, a consortium of the state's top scientists concluded.In the most comprehensive analysis of the environmental and social impacts... Read More >

As U.S. abandons Paris, institutes of sustainability take action on campus

Not even two years ago more than 300 colleges and universities had signed onto the White House-launched American Campuses Act on Climate, which supported the climate negotiations scheduled to take place in Paris in 2015. More recently, in the shadow of the United States turning its back on the... Read More >

Interdisciplinary systems promote sustainability in higher ed

Throughout rural Southern India, agricultural development is getting a boost from a line of irrigation and sprinkler products that was first developed far away in Minnesota.  Called MyRain, the company was launched in 2012 by a business graduate and engineering graduate at the University of... Read More >

The University of Michigan examines innovations at interdisciplinary sustainability institutes at major research universities

THIS IS A NEW STUDY by Andrew J. Hoffman and Jessica L. Axson of the University of Michigan, "Examining Interdisciplinary Sustainability Institutes at Major Research Universities: Innovations in Cross-Campus and Cross-Disciplinary Mode. This report examines the distinctive characteristics,... Read More >

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