STATEMENT from former PUC of Texas Commissioners on ERCOT roadmap

Our group of former Public Utility Commission commissioners of Texas and senior staff have reviewed ERCOT’s roadmap and see it, together with recent legislation, as significant steps toward fixing the Texas Electric System.

We applaud the Texas Legislature’s broad direction and grants of authority to the PUCT and other entities to address both past and future market, reliability, and affordability issues.

We recently issued a report, "Never Again: How to Prevent Another Major Texas Electricity Failure," which contains 20 recommendations for remedying many of the issues that arose during the 2021 freeze. READ THE REPORT.

We believe all are needed to restore effectiveness and confidence in the Texas electricity system. We want to see the final root cause analysis for power and natural gas facility outages during the February 2021 freeze event, and we reiterate the need for more robust regulated and market-based energy efficiency and demand response programs for all Texans.

Becky Armendariz-Klein
Brett Perlman
Alison Silverstein
Judy Walsh
Pat Wood, III

Editor's note: "Never Again: How to Prevent Another Major Texas Electricity Failure," is a groundbreaking report by former Public Utility Commission of Texas commissioners that offers recommendations to help the state avoid future grid failures and fortify Texas’ energy future. The report was funded by the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation.

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