Does Texas really have a water problem?

Most Texans “know” that Texas has a water “problem.” In fact, the Texas Water Plan lists $63 billion in projects in order to “solve” this problem.  In truth, however, Texas’s water problem is not what everyone thinks it is.  It’s not as... Read More >

One Water: A powerful 21st-century solution

What does the jazz-loving swamp country of New Orleans have in common with the wild high desert of Tucson? The answer: more than you may think. Like countless communities across the globe, both of these ionic U.S. cities have water concerns—New Orleans faces the challenge of taming powerful... Read More >

One Water: The Austin way forward

People come to Austin for lots of reasons—music, barbecue, jobs—but the reason they can stay is the water. Barton Springs, Lake Austin, and Decker Lake are just a few of the places where you’ll find Austinites staying cool on a warm summer day. We are not Austin without water.... Read More >

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