February 2016 BLOG POSTS

SCOTUS can't stop states from growing clean energy markets

Editor's note: This is the second of a two-part series by the author focused on the use of limited public dollars to leverage large private investments that accelerate growth of clean energy markets. Click to read part one of the series, "Cleaner and Cheaper Energy with Green Banks." __________ ... Read More >

Cleaner AND Cheaper Energy with Green Banks

Editor's note: This is the first of a two-part series by the author focused on the use of limited public dollars to leverage large private investments that accelerate growth of clean energy markets. Up next: "SCOTUS can't stop states from growing clean energy markets." __________ For decades the... Read More >

The environment as an asset to economic prosperity and development

The idea of environmental preservation as an asset, as opposed to an impediment, to economic prosperity and development is both very old and very new. For the greater part of human history, certainly up until the start of the Industrial Revolution, the benefits humans derived from nature were well... Read More >

Is there an economic argument for environmental protection?

George Mitchell was fond of posing the question, “If you can’t make the world work with six billion people, how are you going to make it work with ten billion?”He knew that true sustainability ensures human well-being through social and economic systems while also maintaining the... Read More >

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